60 Minute Therapeutic Massage


*For clients booking in with Janelle, starting January 2025, full body treatments will not be available for 60, 45, or 30-minute treatments. This is so the treatment can be customized to your main focus areas. Full body treatments (if you like) will be available on appointments 75 minutes or longer. Why this change? We have answers!! Focussing on main areas of concern (regardless of treatment length) will ensure that: -Several layers of muscle on a specific body area can be worked in detail - we have over 600 muscles, so there is a lot to work with! -Myofascial release can be incorporated into the treatment. Fascia, on its most superficial level, is the 3D web that holds our skin to our bones. A restriction or tightness in one area of the fascia likely creates discomfort/tension in another area of the body because everything is connected! Manual myofascial release (with hand-specific techniques) or Myofascial cupping may be used to work on fascia. -A slower pace in the area worked. Using a slower pace on each area of the body naturally helps our parasympathetic (which allows us to rest and digest) activate while decreasing our sympathetic (creates fight or flight) system. The sympathetic system is what makes our muscles tense in response to stress. So, a slower pace, even with heavy/deep pressure, will help the muscles relax, leading to a more effective treatment.
